Psychosexual Therapy
What is Psychosexual Therapy?
Psychosexual therapy is for individuals or couples who are experiencing sexual difficulties.
What causes sexual difficulties?
The causes for sexual difficulties can be both physiological and psychological. Psychosexual therapist at Evidence-Based Therapy Centre, Linsey Blair says:
“In my experience sexual difficulties usually originate with both body and mind fluctuations. For instance, an individual’s desire levels could be impacted by a lack of emotional connection within the relationship, but they could also be to do with a change in hormone levels or a prescribed medication. A lot of the time, it is a combination of both these factors that cause sexual difficulties to develop. A therapy that encompasses mind and body exploration is essential”
Psychosexual therapy uses the principals of pioneering sexual researchers Masters and Johnson, and draws on their well established Sensate Focus model as a way to help couples reconnect sexually with each other.
The therapy is normally weekly, and couples are set behavioural exercises each week which are designed to take the pressure off performance and allow the couple to play together in a non-goal orientated way.
The exercises are tailor made to suit the couple. For example, one couple might start by exploring their partners body in a sensual rather than sexual way, whereas an exercise for another couple could be to spend one evening a week together without television, internet etc.
In psychosexual therapy, sexual difficulties are understood within the context of present and past experiences. The dynamics within the current relationship are explored, but it is important to give prior relationships space too. Historic relationships can have an impact on our sexual self-esteem.
For example, for someone who grew up in a family where there was little or no physical affection, maintaining physical affection within their present relationship can be difficult simply because affectionate touching (like holding hands walking down a street, or hugging on the sofa) can feel alien and a bit awkward. In order to change the dynamic of the present relationship, we would have to explore and understand the impact of earlier dynamics.
Some behavioural exercises, like the ones suggested above, can be set to increase intimacy, but other exercises are designed to address physiological responses.
For example, an individual with vaginismus (when the muscles around your vagina tighten involuntarily whenever there is an attempt to penetrate it with something) might be encouraged to use dilators in order to learn how to relax the pelvic floor muscle and allow for non-painful penetration. Individuals with premature or delayed ejaculation might also be set exercises that should influence the bodies physiological response to stimulation by slowing down the response or speeding it up as appropriate.
Unlike physical therapy, there is no physical manipulation within the sessions. All exercises are carried out within the privacy of your own home.
Scientific grounding for Psychosexual Therapy
Psychosexual therapy is a therapeutic approach based on scientific research and theory. Human anatomy and the physiological responses to medications and hormones is part of the training. Our Psychosexual team often work alongside medical practitioners and physiotherapists to make sure individuals are treated holistically.
All of our couples and psychosexual therapists are full accredited members of UKCP (linked member to ICP) and COSRT (College of Sex and Relationship Therapy)
If you would like to book an appointment you can call the clinic on 091 727777 or get in touch via the contact page.